The Hospitality Blog

At VERTU Hospitality,
we love to share various experiences, topics, news with our readers.

Why Fi? The Importance of Fast, Robust, and Secure WiFi Service for Hotel and Conference Guests.

In today's digitally connected world, WiFi has become an essential amenity, akin to running water and electricity. For hotels and conference venues, providing a fast, robust, and secure WiFi service is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Let’s explore the critical importance of high-quality WiFi for guests and get a sneak peak into the various existing and emerging WiFi technologies that are shaping the future of internet and network services…

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Vertu Conferences, Speaker Session Gerald Lampaert Vertu Conferences, Speaker Session Gerald Lampaert

Striking the Balance between Automation and the Human Touch in Hospitality.

This week, Amsterdam is playing host to the Brainlinx Hospitality and Travel Conference, where industry leaders and enthusiasts converged to explore and expose the latest trends and innovations shaping the world of hospitality. As a speaker at this prestigious event, I had the privilege of addressing a topic close to my heart: the delicate balance between automation and the human touch in the luxury hospitality sector.

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The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert

The Power of a Diverse Advisory Board in Hospitality

In the dynamic world of hospitality, having a solid and diversified advisory board is not just an option; it's a strategic imperative for success. At VERTU Hotels and Resorts, we understand the immense value that a diverse advisory board brings to our organisation, and we would like to share some key insights into why this is so crucial.

An advisory board comprised of individuals from various backgrounds and industries brings a diverse range of expertise to the table. This wealth of knowledge allows us to make informed decisions, gain fresh perspectives, and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the hospitality sector with confidence.

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Hotel Information Technology Gerald Lampaert Hotel Information Technology Gerald Lampaert

The importance of a strong IT and email Policy in hospitality is safeguarding against malicious attempts and protecting guest information.

VERTU Hotels and Resorts like every other hotel management group is very cautious about internal and clients security. This includes front-end and back-end information. In fact, in the digital age, the hospitality industry relies heavily on technology to provide efficient services, streamline operations, and enhance guest experiences. However, with the increasing level of malicious attempts, identity theft, and credit card breaches, it is crucial for hotels to prioritize the development and implementation of a robust IT and email policy. Such a policy serves as a critical defense mechanism against cyber threats, ensuring the security of guest information and safeguarding the reputation of the establishment.

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