The Hospitality Blog

At VERTU Hospitality,
we love to share various experiences, topics, news with our readers.

The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert

Elevating Our Brand: A Spotlight on Quality PR and Communication

At VERTU Hotels and Resorts, we've recently reached a significant milestone: the completion of our latest corporate and inspirational videos. This accomplishment has brought to the forefront the undeniable importance of partnering with a top-notch PR and Communication Company. Let's take a closer look at why we now place even greater emphasis on quality in this domain.

Our journey to create our latest corporate video underscored the pivotal role that effective PR and communication play in our success. Here's why we now recognize the paramount importance of working with a top-tier PR team:

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The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert The People in Hospitality Gerald Lampaert

Why Black and White ?

I very often get asked the question why the VERTU Hotels and Resorts and VERTU Hospitality logos are mostly Black and White.

As much as I love many other colors, I have to says that choosing the Black and the white was an obvious and easy decision to make. Choosing black and white as the standard and basic colors for VERTU Hotels and Resorts is a powerful and sophisticated design choice. These colors convey a sense of luxury, elegance, strength, and neutrality, among other positive aspects and benefits. I also always remember a quote from Coco Chanel stating : “I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony“. She was so right and the succès of her brand demonstrated it very quickly.

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Hospitality Sustainability Gerald Lampaert Hospitality Sustainability Gerald Lampaert

Embracing Sustainability, a Prerequisite at VERTU Hotels and Resorts

At VERTU Hotels and Resorts, we believe in curating experiences that not only transcend expectations but also contribute to a sustainable and responsible future. Our commitment to authenticity extends beyond impeccable service and luxurious accommodations; it encompasses a dedication to the local communities we serve and the planet we call home. This translates in a few impactful topics …

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